Computational Bio-Modeling Lab

Researchers in Yongjie Jessica Zhang’s lab develop novel algorithms on biomodeling at molecular, cellular, tissue and organ scales, and explore applications in various application fields. The group is mainly focused on applications in biomedical fields, but is also working on projects in other fields including mechanical engineering, materials science, and electrical engineering.


Yongjie Jessica Zhang

Yongjie Jessica Zhang

George Tallman Ladd and Florence Barrett Ladd Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Yongjie Jessica Zhang’s research interests include computational geometry (especially mesh generation), computer graphics, visualization, finite element method, isogeometric analysis and their applications in computational biomedicine, computational biology and engineering. She joined Carnegie Mellon in 2007 as an assistant professor, was promoted to associate professor in 2012, and became a full professor in 2016. She has co-authored over 170 publications in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings.
Scaife Hall 318
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Yongjie Jessica Zhang
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The Computational Bio-Modeling Lab's research includes computational geometry (especially mesh generation), computer graphics, visualization, finite element method, isogeometric analysis and their applications in computational biomedicine, computational biology, and engineering. We are mainly focusing on applications in biomedical fields, but we are also working on projects in mechanical engineering, materials science, electrical engineering, civil engineering, architecture, geological engineering, and petroleum engineering.

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Research team

Aviral Prakash

Aviral Prakash


Ashlee Liao

Ashlee Liao


Vickie Webster-Wood
Research interests
biorobotics, biomechanics, neural controls
Vedant Puri

Vedant Puri


Burak Kara
Kuanren Qian

Kuanren Qian


Vickie Webster-Wood
Research interests
bioinspired robotics, neuron growth modeling
Hua Tong

Hua Tong


Eni Halilaj
Lisha White

Lisha White


Jon Cagan
Research interests
design, additive manufacturing, machine learning
Kaixin Zhan

Kaixin Zhan


Margaret Chen

Margaret Chen


Akshay Minocha

Akshay Minocha


Christopher Oh

Christopher Oh



Past students

  • Xuan Liang, Postdoc in Mechanical Engineering 2020-2022
  • Hugo Casquero Penelas, Postdoc in Mechanical Engineering, 2017-2020 (now Assistant Professor at University of Michigan, Dearborn)
  • Xiaodong Wei, Postdoc in Mechanical Engineering, 2017-2018 (now Assistant Professor at University of Michigan - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute)
  • Hong Zhang, Postdoc in Mechanical Engineering, 2011-2013 (now Assistant Professor at University of Maryland Medical Center)
  • Mohamed Ebeida, Postdoc in Mechanical Engineering, 2008-2010 (now Senior Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratory)
  • Angran Li, Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering, 2016-2022 (now Postdoc at University of Colorado Boulder)
  • Yuxuan Yu, Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering, 2017-2021 (now Assistant Professor in Donghua University, Shanghai, China)
  • Aishwarya Pawar, Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering, 2016-2020 (now Assistant Professor at Iowa State Universiy)
  • Xiaodong Wei, Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering, 2013-2017 (now Assistant Professor at University of Michigan - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute)
  • Arjun Kumar, Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering, 2013-2016 (now Computer Vision Scientist at NextDroid)
  • Kangkang Hu, Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering, 2012-2016 (now Technical Director at Huawei, China)
  • Tao Liao, Ph.D. Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2011-2015 (now Software Engineer at Google, Boston)
  • Lei Liu, Ph.D. Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2011-2015 (now Software Engineer at Google, Seattle)
  • Jin Qian, Ph.D. Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2008-2013 (now Investment Director at Huatai Ruilian Fund, Beijing)
  • Xinghua Liang, Ph.D. Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2008-2013 (now Lead Research Engineer at HERE Technologies)
  • Wenyan Wang, Ph.D. Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2008-2012 (now Lead Software Developer at ANSYS, Chicago)
  • Erick Johnson, Ph.D. Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2009-2010 (now Associate Professor at Montana State University)
  • Shixuan Gu, MS-P student in BME, Fall 2022-2023 (PhD student in Harvard Computer Science)
  • Charlotte Avra, MS-P student in BRIDGE program, Summer 2022
  • Brian Heecheon Kang, MS-P student in Mechanical Engineering, 2019-2020
  • Max Farfel, MS Student in Materials Science and Engineering (co-advised with Prof. Anthony Rollett), 2019-2020
  • Kuanren Qian, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2018-2020
  • Haolin Liu, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2019
  • Jingru Wu, MS Student in Biomedical Engineering, 2019
  • Yile Feng, MS-P Student in Biomedical Engineering, 2019
  • Zilu Wang, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2018-2019
  • Zisheng Ye, MS-P student in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2017
  • Lichengxi Huang, MS Student in Civil Engineering, Fall 2016
  • Shuo Li, MS Student in Civil Engineering, Fall 2016
  • Yicong Lai, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2014-2016
  • Aishwarya Pawar, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2014-2015
  • Shuai Cui, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2015 Fall
  • Charles Scott Gerfen, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2015 Summer
  • Joshua Chen, MS-P Student in School of Architecture, 2014-2015
  • Yang Gao, MS-P Student in Biomedical Engineering, 2014-2015
  • Chiyu Dong, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2012-2014
  • Suyue Han, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2012-2014
  • Ruitian Liu, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2012-2014
  • You Zhou, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2013-2014
  • Ling Zhan, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2012-2014
  • Xiaoyi Fu, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2011-2013
  • Yuanfeng Jiao, MS-P Student in Biomedical Engineering, 2010-2012
  • Kibaek Lee, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2011-2012
  • Yiming Jing, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2009-2011
  • Jun Ma, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2009-2011
  • Rong Li, MS-P Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2007-2008
  • Remington Frank-Marquez, Undergraduate student in MechE, SURG, Fall 2022 (co-advised with Prof. Sneha Narra)
  • Hyunji Kim, Undergraduate student in MechE and BME, 2020-2021, CIT Honored Research 2021-2022
  • Wenxin Jenna Cui, Undergraduate student in MechE and BME, 2021-2022
  • Marione Aluoch, Undergraduate student in MechE, Summer 2020-2021
  • Noel Barnes, Undergraduate student in MechE, Summer 2021
  • Audrey Young, Undergraduate student in MechE, Summer 2021
  • Willetta Wisely, Undergraduate student in MechE, Summer 2021
  • Joshua Turney, Undergraduate student in MechE, Summer 2021
  • Jialei (Ginny) Liu, Undergraduate student in MechE, Sep. 2019-2020
  • Sara Begane, NSF REU student in MechE, 06/01-08/17, 2020-2021
  • Marvin Bennett, NSF REU student in MechE, 06/20-08/20; MechE Honors Research, 2020-2021
  • Raaga Singireddy, Undergraduate student in ChemE and BME, Fall 2020-2021
  • Kyuwon Weon, Undergraduate student in MechE and BME, Fall 2020
  • Kyle Wagner, Undergraduate student in Statistics and Machine Learning, Summer 2020
  • Jeffrey He, Undergraduate Student in Northwestern University, Summer 2019 and 2020
  • David Oh, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, Summer 2019
  • Brian Kang, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, Summer 2019
  • Gregory Miller, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, Summer 2017
  • Qingyuan Wu, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, Summer 2017
  • Brandon Xu, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, Summer 2017
  • Diana Li, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2016
  • Robert Macedo, Undergraduate Student in Physics, Fall 2014
  • Conor Fitzgerald, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, Summer 2013
  • Kyung Jae Lee, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, Summer 2012 (SURF)
  • Mark Erazo, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2011
  • Huan (Steve) Qin, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2011
  • Ojas Mainkar, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, Summer 2011 (SURF)
  • Deborah Gruner, Undergraduate Student in Mathematical Sciences, 2010
  • Indira Biswas, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2009
  • Mikhail F. Lara, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, 2008 (SURG)
  • Julie Hoi Yan Ng, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2008
  • Changho Oh, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, 2007-2008 (SURF)
  • Yanyang Xiao, PhD Student in Xiamen University, China, 2018-2019 (now faculty in Nanchang University, China)
  • Yundong Gai, PhD Student in Dalian Institute of Technology, China, 2018-2019
  • Juan Cao, Visiting Associate Professor from Xiamen University, China, 2017-2018, 2019
  • Zhonggui Chen, Visiting Associate Professor from Xiamen University, China, 2017-2018, 2019
  • Yue Jia, Lecturer in Northwestern Polytechnic University, China, 2017-2019
  • Xin Li, Visiting Scholar from University of Science and Technology of China, 2018
  • Lifeng Zhu, Visiting Associate Professor from Southeast University, China, 2017-2018
  • Bin Li, Visiting PhD Student from Zhejiang University, China, 2017-2018 (now faculty in Lanzhou University, China)
  • Adam Robert Updegrove, Visiting Ph.D. Student from University of California, Berkeley, May-June, 2017
  • Hugo Casquero Penelas, Visiting Ph.D. Student from University of A Coruna, Spain, 2014-2015, 2016
  • Onofre Marco Alacid, Visiting Ph.D. Student from Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, 2014
  • Xinge Li, Visiting Ph.D. Student from Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2014, 2016
  • Onofre Marco Alacid, Visiting Ph.D. Student from Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, 2013
  • Yue Jia, Visiting Ph.D. Student from Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany, 2013-2014 (Now at Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an, China)
  • Juelin Leng, Ph.D. Student in Chinese Acadmy of Sciences (Visiting Student), 2012
  • Rui Zhang, Ph.D. Student in School of Architecture (Summer Intern), 2008
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Course Course Name Location Units Semester Offered
24-311 Numerical Methods Pittsburgh 12 Spring
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Awards and honors

  • American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) Fellow, 2020.
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Fellow, 2019.
  • George Tallman Ladd and Florence Barrett Ladd Research Professorship, CMU, 2019.
  • US Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM) Fellow, 2019.
  • Simons Visiting Professor to Visit University of Rome Tor Vergata, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, July 2019.
  • Steering Committee for Isogeometric Analysis Conference, 2018.
  • Best Paper Award – 1st Place, Solid and Physical Modeling Conference. Bilbao, Spain. June 11-13, 2018.
  • Program Co-chair for Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium (SPM), 2018.
  • International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) General Council, 2017-present
  • US Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM) Executive Committee Member-at-Large, 2017-2021.
  • Chair of Solid Modeling Association, 2019-2020.
  • Executive Committee of Solid Modeling Association, 2017-2020.
  • ELATE (Executive Leadership in Academic Technology and Engineering) Fellow, Drexel University, 2017-2018.
  • Program Co-chair for Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium (SPM), 2017.
  • Best Paper Award, CompIMAGE’16 Conference, 2016.
  • Chair of USACM Technical Thrust Area on Isogeometric Analysis, 2015-2019
  • Autodesk Best Paper Award – 1st Place, SIAM Conference on Solid and Physical Modeling (GDSPM), 2015.
  • One of the 5 Most Highly Cited Papers Published in Computer-Aided Design during 2014-2016.
  • Clarence H. Adamson Career Faculty Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, CMU, 2014.
  • Chair of CompIMAGE Conference, 2014.
  • Co-chair of North America, Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP), 2014.
  • US Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM) Gallagher Young Investigator Award, 2013.
  • Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), 2012.
  • NSF CAREER Award, 2012.
  • Donald L. and Rhonda Struminger Faculty Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, CMU, 2011.
  • ONR Young Investigator Award, 2010.
  • George Tallman Ladd Research Award, College of Engineering, CMU, 2010.
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Publication lists

For a list of Jessica Zhang’s publications, please see the following: 


Edited books

Book chapters

  • Y. Lai, L. Liu, Y. J. Zhang, J. Chen, E. Fang, J. Lua. Rhino 3D to Abaqus: A T-spline Based Isogeometric Analysis Software Platform. The edited volume of the Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology Book Series devoted to AFSI 2014 - a birthday celebration conference for Tayfun Tezduyar. Springer Publisher. Editors: Yuri Bazilevs and Kenji Takizawa. Part IV:271-281, 2016. 
  • Y. Zhang. Challenges and Advances in Image-Based Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation. Image-Based Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation. Springer Publisher. Editor: Yongjie (Jessica) Zhang, 2013. (Review Article) 
  • J. Leng, G. Xu, Y. Zhang, J. Qian. Quality Improvement of Segmented Hexahedral Meshes using Geometric Flows. Image-Based Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation. Springer Publisher. Editor: Yongjie (Jessica) Zhang, 2013. 
  • S. S. Hossain, Y. Zhang. Application of Isogeometric Analysis to Simulate Local Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery in Patient-Specific Coronary Arteries. Multiscale Simulations and Mechanics of Biological Materials: Wing Liu's 60 Anniversary Volume. John Wiley & Sons Lt. Publisher. Editors: Shaofan Li and Dong Qian, 2012. 
  • S. S. Hossain, A. M. Kopacz, Y. Zhang, S.-Y. Lee, T.-R. Lee, M. Ferrari, T. J.R. Hughes, W. K. Liu, P. Decuzzi. Multiscale Modeling for the Vascular Transport of Nanoparticles. Nano and Cell Mechanics. Wiley Series in Micro and Nano Technologies. Editors: Gang Bao and Horacio Espinosa, 2012 (Review Article)

Journal publications

  • Y. Xiao, Z. Chen, J. Cao, Y. J. Zhang, C. Wang. Optimal Power Diagrams via Function Approximation. The Special Issue of Solid and Physical Modeling in Computer-Aided Design, 102:52-60, 2018. 
  • Z. Chen, T. Zhang, J. Cao, Y. J. Zhang, C. Wang. Point Cloud Resampling Using Centroid Voronoi Tessellation Methods. The Special Issue of Solid and Physical Modeling in Computer-Aided Design, 102:12-21, 2018. 
  • Z. Chen, W. Chen, J. Guo, J. Cao, Y. J. Zhang. Orientation Field Guided Line Abstraction for 3D Printing. The Special Issue of Geometric Modeling and Processing in Computer Aided Geometric Design, 62:253-262, 2018. 
  • Y. Jia, C. Anitesuc, Y. J. Zhang, G. Xu, C. Li, T. Rabczuk. PHT-Spline-Based Enhanced Isogeometric Collocation Method. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics (China), 30(4):702-706, 2018. 
  • B. Urick, T. M. Sanders, S. S. Hossain, Y. Zhang, T. J. R. Hughes. Review of Patient-Specific Vascular Modeling: Template-Based Isogeometric Framework and the Case for CAD. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2017. DOI: 
  • A. Pawar, Y. J. Zhang, C. Anitescu, Y. Jia, T. Rabczuk. DTHB3D_Reg: Dynamic Truncated Hierarchical B-Spline Based 3D Nonrigid Image Registration. Communications in Computational Physics, 23(3):877-898, 2018. 
  • K. Hu, Y. J. Zhang, G. Xu. CVT-based 3D Image Segmentation and Quality Improvement of Tetrahedral/Hexahedral Meshes Using Anisotropic Giaquinta-Hildebrandt Operator. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 6(3):331-342, 2018. 
  • X. Wei, Y. J. Zhang, T. J. R. Hughes. Truncated Hierarchical Tricubic C0 Spline Construction on Unstructured Hexahedral Meshes for Isogeometric Analysis Applications. A Special Issue of Advances in Mathematics of Finite Elements in Honor of Ivo Babuska in Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 74(9):2203-2220, 2017. 
  • Y. Lai, Y. J. Zhang, L. Liu, X. Wei, E. Fang, J. Lua. Integrating CAD with Abaqus: A Practical Isogeometric Analysis Software Platform for Industrial Applications. A Special Issue of HOFEIM 2016 in Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 74(7):1648-1660, 2017. 
  • X. Wei, Y. J. Zhang, L. Liu, T. J. R. Hughes. Truncated T-splines: Fundamentals and Methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Special Issue on Isogeometric Analysis, 316:349-372, 2017. 
  • K. Hu, Y. J. Zhang, T. Liao. Surface Segmentation for Polycube Construction Based on Generalized Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Special Issue on Isogeometric Analysis, 316:280-296, 2017. 
  • C. L. Chan, C. Anitescu, Y. Zhang, T. Rabczuk. Two and Three Dimensional Image Registration Based on B-spline Composition and Level Sets. Communications in Computational Physics, 21(2):600-622, 2017. 
  • G. Lorenzo, M. A. Scott, K. B. Tew, T. J. R. Hughes, Y. J. Zhang, L. Liu, G. Vilanova, H. Gomez. Tissue Scale, Personalized Modeling and Simulation of Prostate Cancer Growth. PNAS, 113(48):E7663-E7671, 2016. 
  • H. Casquero, L. Liu, Y. Zhang, A. Reali, J. Kiendl, H. Gomez. Arbitrary-Degree T-splines for Isogeometric Analysis of Fully Nonlinear Kirchhoff-Love Shells. Computer-Aided Design Special Issue on Isogeometric Design and Analysis, 82C:140-153, 2016. 
  • L. Liu, H. Casquero, H. Gomez, Y. Zhang. Hybrid-Degree Weighted T-splines and Their Application in Isogeometric Analysis. A Special Issue of AFSI 2014 in Computers and Fluids, 141:42-53, 2016. 
  • A. Pawar, Y. Zhang, Y. Jia, X. Wei, T. Rabczuk, C. L. Chan, C. Anitescu. Adaptive FEM-based Nonrigid Image Registration Using Truncated Hierarchical B-splines. A Special Issue of FEF 2015 in Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 72:2028-2040, 2016. 
  • D. T. O'Connor, K. I. Elkhodary, Y. Fouad, M. S. Greene, F. Sabet, J. Qian, Y. Zhang, W. K. Liu, I. Jasiuk. Modeling Orthotropic Elasticity, Localized Plasticity and Fracture in Trabecular Bone.Computational Mechanics, 58(3):423-439, 2016. 
  • K. Hu, Y. Zhang. Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation Based Polycube Construction for Adaptive All-Hexahedral Mesh Generation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 305:405-421, 2016. 
  • H. Casquero, L. Liu, Y. Zhang, A. Reali, H. Gomez. Isogeometric Collocation Using Analysis-Suitable T-splines of Arbitrary Degree. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 301:164-186, 2016. 
  • Q. Pan, G. Xu, G. Xu, Y. Zhang. Isogeometric Analysis Based on Extended Catmull-Clark Subdivision. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 71(1):105-119, 2016. 
  • X. Wei, Y. J. Zhang, M. A. Scott, T. J. R. Hughes. Extended Truncated Hierarchical Catmull-Clark Subdivision. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 299:316-336, 2016. 
  • H-C Lee, T. Liao, Y. J. Zhang, G. Yang. Shape Component Analysis: Structure-Preserving Dimension Reduction on Biological Shape Spaces. Bioinformatics, 32(5):755-763, 2016. 
  • H. Casquero, L. Liu, C. Bona-Casas, Y. Zhang, H. Gomez. A Hybrid Variational-Collocation Immersed Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction Using Unstructured T-splines. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 105:855-880, 2016. 
  • Y. Gao, Y. Zhang, P. Menon. 3D Shape Comparison Using a Laplace Spectral Shape Matching Approach. The Special Issue of CompIMAGE'14 in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 4(2):86-97, 2016. 
  • K. Hu, Y. Zhang. Image Segmentation and Adaptive Superpixel Generation Based on Harmonic Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. The Special Issue of CompIMAGE'14 in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 4(2):46-60, 2016. 
  • T. Liao, X. Li, G. Xu, Y. Zhang. Secondary Laplace Operator and Generalized Giaquinta-Hildebrandt Operator with Applications on Surface Segmentation and Smoothing. A Special Issue of SIAM Conference on Geometric & Physical Modeling 2015 in Computer Aided Design, 70:56-66, 2016. Autodesk Best Paper Award 1st Place

Conference publications

  • Y. Xiao, Z. Chen, J. Cao, Y. J. Zhang, C. Wang. Optimal Power Diagrams via Function Approximation. The Special Issue of Solid and Physical Modeling in Computer-Aided Design. Bilbao, Spain. June 11-13, 2018. 
  • Z. Chen, T. Zhang, J. Cao, Y. J. Zhang, C. Wang. Point Cloud Resampling Using Centroid Voronoi Tessellation Methods. Solid and Physical Modeling. Bilbao, Spain. June 11-13, 2018. 
  • L. Zhu, X. Li, W. Lu, Y. J. Zhang. A Field-Based Representation of Surrounding Vehicle Motion from a Monocular Camera. The 29th IEEE Intelligence Vehicle Symposium. Changshu, Suzhou, China. June 26-30, 2018. 
  • Z. Chen, W. Chen, J. Guo, J. Cao, Y. J. Zhang. Orientation Field Guided Line Abstraction for 3D Printing. The 12th International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing. Aachen, Germany. April 9-11, 2018. 
  • X. Chai, D. Qian, Q. Ba, A. Li, Y. J. Zhang, G. Yang. Image-Based Measurement of Cargo Traffic Flow in Complex Neurite Networks. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Beijing, China. September 17-20, 2017. 
  • A. Pawar, Y. Zhang, Y. Jia, C. Anitescu, T. Rabczuk. 3D Nonrigid Image Registration Using Truncated Hierarchical B-splines. 5th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering. Pittsburgh, PA. April 10-12, 2017. 
  • H. Casquero, C. Bona-Casas, Y. Zhang, H. Gomez. Dynamics and Rheology of Biological Cells in Flow. 5th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering. Pittsburgh, PA. April 10-12, 2017. 
  • K. Hu, Y. J. Zhang, X. Li, G. Xu. Feature-Aligned Surface Parameterization Using Secondary Laplace Operator and Loop Subdivision. 25th International Meshing Roundtable. Washington, DC. Sept. 27-30, 2016. Procedia Engineering, 163:186-198, 2016. 
  • K. Hu, Y. Zhang, G. Xu. CVT-based 3D Image Segmentation for Quality Tetrahedral Meshing. CompIMAGE (Computer Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications). Niagara Falls, USA. Sept. 21-23, 2016. Best Paper Award 
  • E. Fang, Y. Lai, J. Lua, Y. J. Zhang, N. D. Phan. Isogeometric Analysis based Finite Element Approach for Ductile Failure Prediction of the Second Sandia Fracture Challenge Problem. AHS International's 72nd Annual Forum and Technology Display Conference. West Palm Beach, FL. May 17-19, 2016.
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Media mentions


Zhang featured in Celebrating Women at SIAM

MechE’s Jessica Zhang was featured by SIAM in celebrating Women’s History Month, for her contributions to the applied mathematics and computational science field.


Zhang presents at ASME IMECE

MechE’s Jessica Zhang presented at the ASME IMECE: CONCAM Distinguished Lectures on Computational Mechanics, where she discussed her research on modeling traffic jam and growth process of neurons using isogeomtric analysis and physics-informed neural network.

IMACS World Congress

Zhang delivers IMACS keynote

MechE’s Jessica Zhang delivered a virtual keynote at the 21st International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS) World Congress conference.

CMU Engineering

Branching out: Modeling neurons in new ways

Predicting neuron cell growth just got a little bit easier, thanks to CMU researchers.

Biomechanics Workshop of Program Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Modeling of Materials on Mathematical Mechanical Biology

Zhang speaks at biometrics workshop

MechE’s Jessica Zhang spoke at Biomechanics Workshop of Program Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Modeling of Materials on Mathematical Mechanical Biology: Old School and New School, Methods and Applications at Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK on July 31 - August 4.


Zhang elected IAMBE fellow

MechE’s Jessica Zhang has been elected to the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineers (IAMBE), class of 2023. IAMBE is made up of fellows who are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the profession of medical and biological engineering.


Zhang elected to AIMBE College of Fellow chair-elect

MechE’s Jessica Zhang has been elected chair-elect of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE)’s College of Fellows.


Zhang named SIAM Fellow

MechE’s Jessica Zhang has been selected as a Class of 2023 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Fellow for exemplary research and outsanding service to the community.


Zhang delivered plenary lecture at SIAM International Meshing Roundtable Workshop

MechE’s Jessica Zhang was an invited plenary speaker at the SIAM International Meshing Roundtable Workshop on March 6 - 9, 2023 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She presented her latest research on modeling traffic jam and growth process of neurons using isogeometric analysis and physics-informed neural network.

Clarivate Analytics

Zhang paper recognized as top-cited article

According to Citation data from Clarivate Analytics, Mech’s Jessica Zhang’s paper “Tuned Hybrid Nonuniform Subdivision Surfaces with Optimal Convergence Rates” is recognized as one of the top cited articles published in an issue of International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering between January 1, 2021 through December 15, 2022.


Zhang elected Program Director, SIAM Activity Group

MechE’s Jessica Zhang was elected program director of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Activity Group on Geometric Design.

Zhang presents research at International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis

MechE’s Jessica Zhang was a plenary speaker of the 10th International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis in Banff, Canada on November 6-9, 2022.

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