
S. Mohadeseh Taheri-Mousavi joined CMU as an assistant professor in September 2022 from MIT where she was a postdoctoral associate jointly in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering. Before that, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Brown University. She received her Ph.D. from EPFL, Switzerland, and her B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Sharif University of Technology, Iran. She received both early and advanced prestigious Swiss National Science Foundation fellowships for her postdoctoral studies at Brown and MIT.

4317 Wean Hall
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Mohadeseh Taheri-Mousavi
Taheri-Mousavi Group


2022 Postdoc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2017 Postdoc, Brown University

2015 Ph.D., EPFL, Switzerland

2008 M.Sc., Sharif University of Technology, Iran

2006 B.Sc., Sharif University of Technology, Iran

Media mentions

Carnegie Mellon University

Seven Engineering faculty awarded grants from Scott Institute

Seven faculty from the College of Engineering received project funding from this year’s Scott Institute Seed Grants.

Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation

Taheri-Mousavi receives Scott Institute Seed Grant

MSE’s Mohadeseh Taheri-Mousavi was awarded funding by the 2023 Scott Institute Seed Grants to study hydrogen embrittlement.

Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation

Three MSE faculty win Scott Institute grants

Three MSE faculty—Paul Salvador, Mohammad Islam, and Mohadeseh Taheri-Mousavi—were awarded funding by the Scott Institute for Energy Innovation to support cutting-edge research in sustainable energy solutions.

Materials Science and Engineering

Rising Stars workshop hosted at CMU

Doctoral and postdoctoral scholars from around the country convened at CMU for a program focused on developing their academic careers in MSE.

Scott Institute

Three CMU energy projects receive Scott Institute Seed Grants

Three CMU-led energy projects have been awarded seed grants from the Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation.

CMU Engineering

CMU to Lead NASA Space Technology Research Institute

A new NASA Space Technology Research Institute (STRI) led by Carnegie Mellon University seeks to shorten the cycle required to design, manufacture, and test parts that can withstand the conditions of space travel through constructing models for qualification and certification.


Taheri-Mousavi quoted in Lifewire

MSE’s Mohadeseh Taheri-Mousavi spoke with Lifewire about using AI to discover new materials.

Materials Science and Engineering

Where computer science, mechanical engineering and materials science meet

Assistant Professor Mohadeseh Taheri-Mousavi develops models to design additively manufactured next-generation structural alloys used in extreme environments.